Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Epic Mickey!!!!

Mickey Mouse found a magic mirror and went into it and beyond that magical mirror there was a wizard and that wizard was working on a little world with some kind of magical paintbrush. After the wizard had got done with his little world he went to suppose ably a place that he calls his headquarters, and after the wizard left, his magical paintbrush was still there.Then Mickey Mouse gets a closer look at the wizards little world and he sees the magical paintbrush, then he tried to see how the magical paintbrush and he ends up messing up the wizards little world and opens up a new world. Some kind of black ink monster popped out of the magical world Mickey had opened then mickey took some kind of green liquid that I think erases ink and paint. Mickey took that green liquid to erase the black ink monster then ran away back from to were he came from because the wizard was coming from his headquarters.

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