Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sam V. 2011 #5

The Games I Played

I played two cool games and they were called J.Lo Fur Bully On The Block and Super Chick Sisters. The Super Chick Sisters really had two games in it so I really played three in total. The first game I played was called J.Lo Fur Bully On The Block and it was about a woman who has people to kill animals to make cloths and make her self look pretty. The point of the game is that you have to stop the people that are helping her and make them get an education. The other thing that you got to do is help all of the animals that are in her path. Super Chick Sisters is a game that has two in one, so the games were about McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken. They made these games to tell people how McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken kill chickens cruelly.

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