Monday, May 23, 2011

Sam V. Winding Down 2011

What is your team name?
Beast Teens

What is the name of your game?
Polar Escape

What is it about?
Its about Global Warming affecting Polar Bears

What scenes have you completed?
Title, Intro Screen, Instructions Screen, and Levals 1

What parts of your team page are completed?
The background and some questions

How much more work do you need to complete?
We stiil need to make leval 2 and some questions on our wiki page

What can you do from now until Friday to get everything completed?
Probably stay after school to work and stay on task durring the weak

What grade would you give yourself in Globaloria overall?
Prbably a 6 or 7?

What are all of the things you have learned this year?
How to work better on Flash

What are you proud of in Globaloria?
Im proud because, I learned more about Flash and how to work it

How can you improve next year?
By paying attention in Tech class all the time

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