Thursday, October 13, 2011

Playing to learn: Strategy

Strategy games need a lot of critical thinking skills and careful decision's. Strategy games could take a while to just complete one level.

1. The Game that taught me a new skill or subject:
"Bloxors" taught me more critical thinking skills.
2. The Game that taught me information about a new or existing social issue:I played a game that teaches people about some animals that are going extincted, but I don't remember what it was called?
3. The game or games that I liked the best:
"Bloxors" and "basketball"
4. What happens in the game or games:
In "Bloxors" you have to put a rectangle in a cube hole.
5. How you play the game or games:

You play "Bloxors" by trying to control a rectangle into a cube shaped hole with the arrow keys.

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